I'm sure that in everyone's life...There will be a point that we think about committing suicide.
It's an easy job, jus pop some sleeping pills and there we go. Or just jump down from some beautiful building with a beautiful scenary. but think about your family, and friends ,people who love you ,who are suffering after you are gone. It's an selfish act.
And i admit that i'm not really happy for the past few months and i'm sucha burden to my family and people around me.
Sometimes , how i wish i can end it once and for all.
Yes i'm saying it's an selfish act because for the past 21 years...i've been under the care of my parents and it's never enough to repay them.
They say we are already spending our parents money when we are in our mom's womb.
Apart from selfishness, i've been also keep thinking about where will go ?
We i reincarnate as an ant and let people squash me to death ? ( because i used to do that to those ants )
Or will i reincarnate to a pig and let people slaughter and be a delicious roasted pork?
Or will i stay in the earth, roaming around as a ghost ?
All these freak me out.
It really take someone alot of courage to commit suicide.And i respect ...
just lead your life to the fullest. hehe.
Dropped all the idea, and cherish what's infront of me.
♥ Tingliciousss • 7:17 PM •