I'm no longer a facebook user.
I need more privacy in my life too and got irritated by all the notifications after I changed to Iphone.
For twitter, only my friends ( not people i know ) can get to access as mostly are my heartfelt words or racist tweets ( so it's better to keep it private , we are living in SG ! )
As for this blog, I decided not to delete it as not much strangers will know about this pathetic blog.
Plus I love to reminisce the past ...
I might be considering to make it private but i'm kinda lazy to manage my blog.
Everything here is done by my friends around except for the daily entries of course.
My daily lifes , advertorials and rants will still be normal up here.
sidenote: I can have 1500 friends in fb but I can count my true friends using 5 fingers.
♥ Tingliciousss • 12:58 PM •